Today a beautiful rural house in Lleida, Northern Spain. Yesterday, a little girl's dream!

"At ground floor level I think I’ll have a very big long table for all my guests to sit around near the fireplace...

Upstairs, the bedrooms - all of them with views to the main farmhouse and the greenery behind it...

And at the back of the granary, a pool for the children to play and enjoy on sunny days ... "


That's how I spent my time as a child.


Refurbishing our rural home’s barn in my mind.

Visualising it full of happy guests.

Guests from Spain ...

From the Nordic countries ...

From the United States...

And even from Japan!

I've always loved meeting people from other parts of the world.

And so did my parents.

Despite their close bond to their land, they were fascinated by the outside world.

But having to care for a farm meant we didn’t have as many opportunities to travel as we would have liked.

Until one day, seven years ago, I said to myself: if you can’t go, why not invite them to come to your rural home!

The time had come to turn my childhood dreams into reality!


Marcús Rural Home is born

Yes, your calculations are correct.

We found ourselves right in the middle of the Spanish financial crisis.

Did the problems the country was undergoing stop us from carrying on with our plans?

Not at all.

We are very positive people.

We knew that one way or another we would overcome this major crisis.

We knew that people would once again want to enjoy the green spaces, run around the fields, go for walks in the mountains and breath fresh air, laugh with family and friends ...

In nine months, we had restored the farmhouse where I had grown up.

We opened it to the public the first weekend of June.

The restoration process was absolute madness, but it was worth it.

The emotion we felt the launch day was indescribable.

My husband Manel, our two children - Marc and Aran - and I could not contain the excitement!

Being able to share our spaces ...

Being able to share our lifestyle with guests from other regions and countries...

Our traditions...

Our food...

Our values...

Our land...

It was as if everything suddenly made sense.


When rural tourism becomes the essence of your life

I am convinced that I was born to manage a rural house in Lleida.

But there is one particular area of my work that I love me more than anything else.

I love to tell our stories and see the fascination in their eyes!

Right there where you’re sitting, I used to spend hours playing with huge bales of hay!

And that was where most of our puppies were born.

And here, at the entrance to the dining room, dad and I used to park the trailer and unload the hay stacks.

I can see how fascinated they are with the small details of our rural life.

And I love to share them with our guests and get to know them and their stories better.

One thing I don’t like at all about my job is to see them go!

But at least I have the consolation that everyone leaves happy and wanting to return.

All of them always comment how wonderful it has been to be able to "disconnect" from the outside world.

How endearing it was for them to feel like a family, a community.

And how reinvigorated they feel to continue with their everyday lives.

As you can imagine, their happiness is a source of infinite satisfaction for me.

And sometimes, even today, I sit in front of the old barn.

In the same place where I used to when I was little, admiring our rural house.

"Yes, sometimes dreams come true"…


Can’t wait to see you at Marcús Casa Rural!

You can make your reservations here.

15 de noviembre de 2018
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